
The benefits of hosted payment gateways

Choosing the right payment gateway is crucial for any ecommerce business. It can impact your customer experience, the checkout process, and your overall business success.

A poor payment gateway can result in increased cart abandonment, loss of sales, and a negative impact on your business reputation.

What are hosted payment gateways?

A hosted payment gateway is a type of payment gateway that a third-party provider hosts. It allows online businesses to securely process payments and accept various payment methods, such as credit cards and debit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers.

Hosted payment gateways are typically easy to integrate into ecommerce platforms, making them an ideal choice for small to medium-sized businesses just starting with online payments.

How do they differ from non-hosted payment gateways?

Non-hosted payment gateways require merchants to have a merchant account and manage their payment gateway integration.

This means that businesses must comply with security and compliance requirements, which can be costly and time-consuming.

On the other hand, Hosted payment gateways are hosted by a third-party provider, meaning businesses do not need to worry about compliance requirements and can focus on their core business operations.

How do they work?

Hosted payment gateways work by securely processing customer payments and passing them on to the acquiring bank for processing.

When a customer makes a payment, the payment information is securely transmitted to the hosted payment gateway provider, who then processes the payment and passes it on to the acquiring bank. Once the payment is approved, the funds are deposited into the merchant's account.

Benefits hosted payment gateways

There are several advantages to using a hosted payment gateway, including:

  • Increased security and compliance
  • Simplified payment processing
  • Customisable checkout page
  • Wide range of payment options
  • Easy integration with ecommerce platforms
  • Low transaction fees
  • Recurring payments and subscription options.


PCI DSS compliance
Hosted payment gateways must comply with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) to ensure that they are processing and storing customer payment data securely. Businesses can avoid the costly and time-consuming process of becoming PCI DSS compliant by using a hosted payment gateway.

Secure payment processing
Hosted payment gateways use advanced security measures like encryption and tokenisation to protect customer payment data and prevent fraudulent transactions.

Protection of customer data
Hosted payment gateways are responsible for storing and securing customer payment data, which reduces the risk of data breaches and protects sensitive customer information.

User Experience

Seamless checkout process
Hosted payment gateways offer a seamless checkout process by eliminating the need for customers to leave the merchant's website to complete their payment. This reduces the likelihood of shopping cart abandonment and improves the customer experience.

Wide range of payment options
Hosted payment gateways offer a wide range of payment solutions, such as buy now pay later, card payments (MasterCard and Visa), digital wallets such as Apple Pay and Alipay, and bank transfers, which increases customer satisfaction and makes it easier for customers to complete their purchase.

Customisable checkout page
Hosted payment gateways allow small businesses to customise their checkout page to match their branding and improve the customer experience. This includes adding custom fields and messaging to guide customers through the online store.


No need for a merchant account
Hosted payment gateways eliminate the need for businesses to have their own merchant account, which can save time and reduce costs.

Easy integration with your ecommerce platform
Hosted payment gateways are typically easy to integrate with ecommerce platforms, which makes it simple for businesses to start accepting payments.

Low transaction fees
Self-hosted payment gateways typically have low transaction fees, saving businesses money and increasing profit margins.

Recurring payments

Ability to set up recurring payments
Hosted payment gateways allow businesses to set up recurring payments, increasing customer retention and providing a steady stream of revenue.

Increased customer retention
Recurring payments provide customers with a convenient and hassle-free way to pay for goods and services. As customer card information is safely stored, cardholders can just click to pay without having to manually enter card details such as card number, issuing bank, etc. which can be which can increase customer loyalty and retention.

Streamlined payment process
Recurring payments reduce the need for customers to manually enter their payment information each time they make a purchase, which saves time and improves the customer experience.

How hosted payment gateways improve customer experience

Simplified checkout process

Fewer steps to complete checkout
Hosted payment gateways eliminate the need for customers to leave the merchant's website to complete their payment, which reduces the number of steps required to complete the checkout process.

Faster processing time
Hosted payment gateways offer faster processing times than non-hosted payment gateways, which reduces the time customers spend waiting for their payment to be processed.

Reduced cart abandonment
By simplifying the checkout process and offering a wide range of payment options, hosted payment gateways can reduce the likelihood of cart abandonment and increase sales.

Wide range of payment options

Acceptance of multiple payment methods
Hosted payment gateways offer a wide range of payment options, such as credit and debit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers, which makes it easier for customers to complete their purchases.

Ability to pay with credit or debit cards, bank accounts, or e-wallets
Offering a variety of payment options increases customer satisfaction and provides customers with the flexibility to choose their preferred payment method.

Increased customer satisfaction
By offering a wide range of payment options and simplifying the checkout process, hosted payment gateways can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Hosted payment gateways and security standards

PCI DSS Compliance

Explanation of PCI DSS
PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, which is a set of security standards developed to protect customer payment data from theft and fraud. Hosted payment gateways are required to be PCI DSS compliant to ensure that they are processing and storing customer payment data securely.

Benefits of compliance
By being PCI DSS compliant, hosted payment gateways can provide businesses with peace of mind knowing that their customer payment data is being handled securely and compliant.

Consequences of non-compliance
Non-compliance with PCI DSS can result in costly fines, legal fees, and damage to a business's reputation. Therefore, companies need to choose a hosted payment gateway that is compliant with PCI DSS.

Secure transactions

Encryption and tokenisation
Hosted payment gateways use encryption and tokenisation to protect customer payment data and prevent fraudulent transactions. Encryption is the process of converting sensitive data into a coded language that is unreadable without a decryption key.

Tokenisation replaces sensitive data with a token, a unique identifier used to represent the original data.

Fraud detection and prevention
Hosted payment gateways use advanced fraud detection and prevention tools to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions. These tools include machine learning algorithms, transaction monitoring, and real-time fraud alerts.

Reduced risk of payment fraud
By using a hosted payment gateway, businesses can reduce the risk of payment fraud and protect their customers' payment data from theft and misuse.

Choosing the right hosted payment gateway for your business

Business needs

Businesses should choose a hosted payment gateway that can scale with their business as it grows. This includes considering the payment volume, types of payments, and frequency of payments.

Payment volume
Businesses should choose a hosted payment gateway to handle their expected payment volume without slowing down or experiencing downtime.

Payment types
Businesses should choose a hosted payment gateway that accepts various payment types, including credit and debit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers.

Integration with your ecommerce platform

Compatibility with your platform
Businesses should choose a hosted payment gateway compatible with their ecommerce platform to ensure seamless integration and avoid technical issues.

Ease of integration
Businesses should choose a hosted payment gateway that is easy to integrate with their ecommerce platform, with clear documentation and developer support.

Application programming interface (API)
Businesses should choose a hosted payment gateway that offers an API that can be easily integrated into their ecommerce platform to provide a seamless checkout experience for customers.

Pricing and transaction fees

Comparison of pricing models
Businesses should compare the pricing models of different hosted payment gateways to determine which one offers the best value for their business.

Hidden fees to watch out for
Businesses should be aware of hidden fees, such as setup fees, monthly fees, and transaction fees, that can impact the cost of using a hosted payment gateway.

Transparency in pricing
Businesses should choose a hosted payment gateway that is transparent about their pricing and fees, with no hidden costs or surprises.

In conclusion

Hosted payment gateways offer numerous benefits to ecommerce businesses, including increased security, improved customer experience, and simplified payment processing.

By using a hosted payment gateway, businesses can reduce cart abandonment, increase customer satisfaction, and streamline their payment process.

When choosing a hosted payment gateway, businesses should consider their business needs, integration with their ecommerce platform, and pricing and transaction fees.


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